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SHARC Industries, LLC
Premium Quality Aftermarket Bandsaw Parts and OEM Components
Stocking Parts for Amada, Behringer, Clausing, Daito, Danobat, DoAll, Everising, Friggi, Forte, Hem (HE&M), Hydmech, Kalamazoo, Kasto, Kysor Johnson, Marvel, Mastercut, MEP, Missler, Peddinghaus, Peerless, Pheonix, Spartan, Tannewitz, Wells, W.F. Wells and many more...
We also produce parts to sample
SHARC Part Number:
Backup Carbide Set for Amada HA16 / HA400 - 401, 402 & 403 Series

Please Click Image to Magnify
Fits Only Amada HA16 or HA400 Saws with Serial Numbers Beginning with 401, 402 or 403.
The Rubber Strip Fits Directly into the Guide Arm slot and is inserted Prior to the Carbide.

Replaces Part Numbers:
10312618, 601946, 10327926, 601946
Service Tip 1: Make Sure your old Backup Rubber is completely removed and the slot is clean prior to installing the new one. Failure to do so will result in uneven wear of the carbide strip and will result in premature blade failure.
Service Tip 2: A Gob of Grease! Use a gob of grease to hold the rubber and backup strip in place. This gives you time to install the side guides without the backups falling into the coolant tank.
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